I am cheating on my DVR with You Tube. I love You Tube for reasons like this. The last time I saw a Flyer get hit that hard in the playoffs, it was #88 laying on the ice trying to figure out where he was. This is why the NHL playoffs are the best in sport. You just don’t see that kind of thing happen anywhere else. I like the Devils/Rangers Series. Good scrap at the end of the game Saturday. The emotion is up in the Spring, lets hope we see some more fights.
Archives for April 2006
Long, Cold Summer – Part II
Easter Sunday found me, and MOL at mothers for a lovely ham dinner. I am pretty sure I ate about 2 pounds of that thing. It was quite tasty. I told the dinner table about Brendan Walsh being a Lockmonster, and no one really seemed to care. MOL even backed out of coming to the game. Oh well. Solo again.
I headed up to the Paul, and took my usual position for the warm ups. The first thing I noticed was #15 was absent from the Lockmonsters side of the ice. I was thinking, maybe he isn’t taking warm ups? Nope. Manchester’s call to the league the previous night did him in. Apparently he wasn’t eligible to play because he was retired. I guess in order to play after clear day rosters come out, you have to have played at least 8 games during the year? Some shit like that. One day, I really need someone to explain the AHL clear day process to me. I’m serious. There is no sense to it.
What the hell does Manchester care if Brendan Walsh is in the line up anyway? Especially against Providence. Provi needed the points to go in front of Manchester for playoff standings, I would think Manchester would have welcomed the distraction of Brendan Walsh with open arms. Not so. Oh, and another thing. Do you think the call would have been made if it wasn’t Walshie involved? Or, if the AHL would have even cared? No way. Anyway, thanks for letting the air out of the tires Manchester. Again.
After I got the news Walshie wasn’t playing, I headed to my usual spot where I bumped into Tweener. He must not have seen the depression on my face, as we had the following discussion.
Tweener: This must be a tactic.
Me: What? Walshie not taking warm ups?
Tweener: Yeah, they must be trying to fuck with em.
Me: He’s not playing. Manchester called the AHL.
Tweener: Stunned silence.
I have seen grown men cry before, and I have seen grown men enraged before. It has been a long time since I saw the look of rage in Tweener’s eyes. There was cursing of Manchester, and swears about a ruined Christmas. I know Tweener. I feel your pain. So the anticipated Brendan Walsh/Matt Goody fight wasn’t going to happen. Or the anticipated Brendan Walsh stirring the pot against his old team all game wasn’t going to happen. Who cares? There was still a game to play. I’m depressed all over again.
The Lockmonsters won their final game as a Carolina/Colorado farm Team 7-3. It was a pretty boring affair, although it was nice to finally see Matt Goody. This kid is going to be a stand out in the AHL next season. Big guy, can skate, and from what I hear can fight. I would say the highlight of the day was the playing of Brass Bonanza as homage to long time Hartford Whaler, and departing head coach Tom Rowe. Every time the Monsters scored it was played, and Tom really got a kick out of it.
Every season the Lockmonsters have a party for season ticket holders after the final game. Last year saw me drinking about 912 beers with Mike Commodore, and he and I ruining a picture for a Booster Club member because Mike insisted I be in the shot. This season was a little more tame in the amount of beers, but fun none the less. I am not an autograph hound. I do not wear game worn jerseys. I don’t understand the fun in it, but if you dig it, more power to you. It is amazing to me how these guys deal with all the people coming up to them. Some of them are very strange as well. I have always said, there is not a more approachable pro athlete than a pro hockey player. These guys proved it time and time again.
At the party, I hung with Mitch Love mostly. Brendan Walsh came in for a beer as well. What a great guy. He is just as funny off the ice as he is on. He was telling a great story about being in the building last year with Providence when he got into it with Gordie Dwyer, and Brantt Myhres. I guess they were getting very hurtful in the verbal abuse department, and there was some bad blood between Walshie and Myhres. Well, Walshie is an Assistant Coach with Northeastern, and was out in Western Canada doing some recruiting. He got picked up by his buddy Steve Parsons, and guess who was in the back seat of the car? Brantt Myhres. I guess Parsons had picked him up from the hospital after Georges Laraque knocked him out in pre season. Walshie said it was pretty uncomfortable, but they are pals now. Mitch Love is a good kid too. We talked for a long time, and had a few beers. Love, Dan DaSilva and myself were the last to go. I was invited to the after party, but alas, has to work on Monday so I took a pass.
So, there it is. The final weekend. I want to wish all the Carolina and Colorado boys’ good luck. I am excited to see them come in to the Paul next year with Albany. This off season can not go quick enough for me. New Jersey has always had a tough team, and I hope they bring the same attitude with them to Lowell. I know the Albany/Lowell rivalry will be one of the best in the "A" next year. Plenty of good American League Hockey to be had in the next couple of months. I was thinking of shooting down to Providence for some of the Portland series. I hope Manchester doesn’t get past the first round. They just made the list.
Long, Cold Summer – Part I
The Lowell Lockmonsters wrapped up their Season this weekend ending Carolina, and Colorado’s tenure in Lowell, as well as putting a nail in the coffin on what was a dreadful year. Actually, that isn’t fair. Considering what they had all year, and the fact they were a glorified ECHL Team for the majority of the campaign, they didn’t do half bad. All in all the weekend wasn’t too bad. It was actually pretty interesting.
It all started Thursday afternoon. I was driving back from work when my cell phone rang. It was Tweener calling, and from the time I said hello, I knew he was fired up. Tweener knows former Providence Bruin, and the funniest man alive, Brendan Walsh. Walshie had sent Tweener an IM, and alluded to the fact he might be in a Lockmonster uniform for the final weekend of the season. Lowell was looking to possibly exact revenge on Manchester’s Joe Rullier for an elbow that knocked out David Gove earlier in the season. The thought process being, Lowell is out of the playoffs, and in their final weekend. Why not goon it up a bit eh? So Tweener and I chatted a bit, and he told me he’d call if he heard anything. I threatened his life if he didn’t call, and we said goodbye.
At this point, I got home and MOL and I went to Papa Razzi in Concord for dinner, and a few drinks. I was very excited, and MOL even seemed a bit into it. She said if Walshie were in the lineup for the final weekend, her shadow may be cast in the Tsongas once again. Tweener called during dinner to tell me he had no update. Thanks for getting my hopes up eh? Dinner turned into us getting shitfaced on the bus, and we went home with no news of Brendan Walsh being a Lockmonster.
Friday was spent VERY hungover at the Office. I was not well. Let’s just say, I saw my breakfast twice. I talked to Tweener, and we seemed pretty sure the Walshie thing was not to be. Oh, well, it would have been cool. Friday I went for drinks with my old pal Jill, MOL, and Rich. A good time was had by all, but I was kind of bummed Brendan wasn’t coming.
After spending the afternoon raking the yard at mothers, it was off to the barn for the final weekend of the year. I always get there about an hour before the game so I can catch the pre game skate. I love warm ups. I always have. As the Monsters came out, I was looking at the names go by. Aucoin. Gove. Finger. Kellman. Walsh. Bennefield. Hey, wait a second? Did I just say "Walsh?" Holy shit, it was him! I hadn’t been that excited at a Lockmonster game since Trevor Gillies came out wearing the same number 15 Brendan Walsh was now wearing. It was Christmas morning, and I had just been given a new bike.
The warm ups were a riot. Rullier and Walshie were jawing at each other. About ten other Monarch’s did a double take when they saw it was in fact Brendan Walsh taking warm ups. I must say, he looked good in red. The boys were ready for a show! Say what you will about Walshie’s playing ability, or pugilistic ability. The kid is fun as hell to watch. His mouth is always going, and this tilt was no exception. Not only was Brendan Walsh one of the best players on the ice, he ws certainly the most talkative. He was always talking. Be it directing traffic, or telling Petr Kanko he’d have extra cheese, and lettuce on his taco, he was talking. But Manchester almost ruined the whole thing.
I was standing near where the off ice officials deliver the line ups, and I asked if Brendan was starting. "No." I was told. "He’s not even playing." WHAT!? Apparently Lowell had left him off the Official line up, and therefore, wouldn’t be allowed to play. Oh, here’s your new bike for Christmas, Nope, can’t ride it. This sucked! I can’t believe we were going to get the screw job from Manchester like this. I guess after some hemming and hawing about when and at what time you could be added to the roster, #15 Walsh, was added, but not with out Manchester making a call to the AHL about it. Put the air back in the tires and take her for a spin.
The game itself was pretty good. Tim Jackman (MCH) and Blue Bennefield (LOW) had a great tilt right in front of me. Lots of good punches were thrown and landed by both guys, but I am going to give the win to Blue. Later, Scott Kellman (LOW) and Jackman had another fight. I guess Kellman got killed in Manchester the night before. This time out, he fared a lot better. Not a lot was thrown by either guy. It was a lot of wrestling, but a pretty good tilt. I call it a draw. The real star of the show was Walshie. He was honestly one of the best player’s on the ice. He looked like he wasn’t in "hockey shape" but played very well position wise, and made smart decisions with the puck. Near the end of the game it looked like he and Rullier were going to get into it, squaring off one time, and another getting face to face off a face off. If I can read lips correctly, Walshie said to Rullier, "Oh, you know what Rullier? Why don’t you just shut the fuck up?! I’m here for one game; I will fight you right now." It seems #7 wanted no part. Lowell ended up losing 2-1, but who cares? They were out of the Playoffs, and Brendan Walsh was in town with his former employer coming in the next day. This was going to be the best closing weekend ever!
Road to the Stanley Crunk.
What in the name of God’s Sam all Hill that’s green holy Earth is this? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. I know Lil John likes to sport impressive custom made goblets to all the heppest Miami clubs, but this is bordering on sacriledge. All I know, is that if someone is going to be drinking Cristal out of Lord Stanley’s cup – it better fucking be Guy LaFleur.
Hey Little John, do you wish there was more fighting in the new NHL? YEEEEAH! Did you hear Hal Gill is still playing? WHAAAAT? I’d love to know how this photo came about, because all due "respect" – I don’t think that LJ typically hangs out in the sorts of places that the Cup tours through. Unless it was featured as the finale of a recent booty clap contest in Atlanta. Still, stranger things have happened. Alright – no they haven’t.
It’s a Tactic…..the Old Mind F**K!
I have been purposely not watching the Bruins as of late for two reasons.
1. They SUCK. I mean, seriously. They really SUCK.
2. I am preparing to launch an all out assault on the Plasma for the playoffs.
MOL will have no idea what hit her in a couple of days. So, while I have been subjected to more Rachel Ray, and Lifetime movies than I care to admit over the last couple of weeks it will all payoff when I get to watch the Carolina Hurricanes march all the way to the Finals! (Insert Evil Laugh here)
As such, I missed a couple of scraps. Anyone see the Orr/Erksine rematch the other night? I see the Bruins have had a couple of fights too? Were they any good?
I have a very busy weekend planned. MOL and I are having Pizza and beers tonight and then going to meet a friend for beers. Saturday is Laurie’s Birthday celebration at Cleary’s in Boston. I shall attend after I am done at the Lockmonsters game. Then Sunday is Easter, followed by the final Monsters game of the year, and the traditional end of year party. Always a good time by the way. I have a great story from last year’s event that I will tell at another time. Have a good weekend to all, and Happy Easter.
Lessons From A Satriale’s Slugfest
The NHL and Pro hockey in general, can learn a thing or two from The Sopranos episode Sunday night. I thought the episode as a whole was pretty good, but it was the last scene that spoke to me.
Tony was feeling like his crew was slipping away. After showing up at the Pork store to find his boys in various states of doing nothing, you could see he was going to do something about it. Cut to inside the store, and there is Tony sizing up his potential dance partners. After surveying the situation, he decides on the biggest dude in the room as his victim. After accusing his target, a jacked kid named Perry Annunziata, of being too loud with the refrigerator door, he jumps him. Tony lands a very hard right hand before the kid even got the gloves off. Perry got up, and goes after Tony. As he’s pushing Tony back, Tony is coming forward, landing several more hard rights. Finally he sends the kid to the floor, and the fight is over. People were questioning Tony after he had been shot. They will not question him again, as the tilt with the kid showed the boys he was in the game. Here is what The NHL, and goons alike can learn from the fight.
-Get rid of the instigator rule. Tony jumped Perry. I admit it. We all saw it. What the NHL is getting away from is the type of rules that has governed the game forever, are exactly what die hard fans love about the game. The unwritten rule book used to be enforced like today’s hooking, and tripping calls. It was thicker than the actual rule book, and if you broke any of the rules, you were dealt with. Case in point: Daniel Briere ran Tim Thomas a couple of weeks ago so hard, Thomas’ helmet came off. Briere should have been dealt with right then and there. Or, barring that the two tough guys should have slugged it out. Doesn’t matter if you have to leave your bench to do it. When your goalie gets run, you beat up who did it. Not so anymore. Because of the stupid instigator rule, no one does anything, and life goes on.
-Enforcers. Stop asking each other if you want to go all the time. I understand there is honor in the profession, but sometimes, you just have to have a go. My friend Taz always says, "I don’t think Terry O’Reilly ever ASKED anyone if they wanted to go." What would Perry have said if Tony said, "You wanna go?" Probably, "No Tony, I got no problem with you." If you are an enforcer in Pro Hockey, and you want to change the course of a game, you don’t ask, you do. So what if the other person won’t fight? You MAKE them fight you. At the very least it should put a spark in the boys. It will show everyone you are in the game, and ready to do your job.
It’s sad that the only good fight I saw all week was on a fictional TV program. I wonder if Soprano can skate?
Sick Check
Check out this video. It’s from the Under 16 Nationals. The kid that got hit only took 7 stitches to the chin. My back is killing from watching though. OUCH.
It’s a Bitter Rivalry…and it Always Will Be
According to NESN’s Jack Edwards, the Bruins rivalry is bitter still. How do you figure Jack? Because the Habs faithful were singing the stupid Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah Hey-Hey-Hey Goodbye song when the Habs went up 5-3? That makes it "bitter"? No, Jack, that makes it polite.
Let me re-cap. Sheldon Souray jumps Andrew Alberts after a knee on knee hit by the rookie Alberts in the 2nd period. Souray smoked him, as he should have. I have no problem with the former Mr. Bridges going after Alberts. In fact, I would have had a problem if he didn’t do anything. Later in the game, Aaron Downey puts Montreal up 5-3. Here is where I disagree with Edwards saying the rivalry is bitter.
In the old days, and I’m only going back about 5 years now, after Downey put the Montreal up by two, the coaches would have tapped the tough guys on the back. Hell, Downey would have stayed on the ice, and done some heavy lifting himself. With the home team up by two, and Boston owing Montreal one for Souray jumping Alberts, there would have been a fight. That is what "Bitter" rivals do. Look at The Battle of Alberta the other night. Right off a face off after a goal, Chris Simon, and Georges Laraque got into it. Both guys did what they wanted. While Simon got smoked by Laraque, he showed the Calgary bench he was in the game. Laraque showed his mates he wasn’t backing down from anyone. After Downey put Montreal up tonight, there should have been a fight. With the unbalanced schedule in the NHL, it practically demands it. Boston is out of the playoffs, while Montreal is not. They should have had a tussle tonight, and set up a possible grudge match type victory for the next time they play. It’s what bitter rivals do. The only thing bitter about this game, was the bittersweet morsels in my cookie during the second period.
Fight Night in Russia
This is the craziest fight i have ever seen. Look at those Rooskis go. TRUE GOONBLOG GOLD!