OK fight fans. Here is your shot. If I were running a TV network, I would demand production start immediately on a reality TV show featuring Providence Bruin Brendan Walsh. I mean right now. Brendan is always on. On the ice he is always chirping. He is a master of getting under everyone’s skin. Like an annoying gnat at a Summer BBQ, there is Brendan Walsh. So, here is you chance….let’s do this thing MTV Real World Style.
Pick Seven enforcers to live in a house, to find out what happens where people stop being polite, and start being real. I think I may have just infringed on about 87 copyrights just then but I couldn’t resist. Here are my seven. Brendan Walsh: Walshy is the focus of the show. If only because you know the other six guys in the house would all fight him at one point. Dennis Bonvie: He represents the Old Guard. Plus he is as funny as Walshy, and would probably bundle Walshy for stealing the spotlight. Trevor Gillies, and Jeremy Yablonski: These two guys are best friends, and had one of the fights of the year two seasons ago when Trevor was with Lowell, and Yabo was with Worcester. (Did anyone see that by the way? I was drinking at the Applebee’s across the street, and managed to miss the whole first period. I heard it was awesome. Stupid alcohol. )
Cam Jannsen: Young up and comer. Would want to fight everyone. Lyndon Byers: You have to have a fall down drunk in the house. Hopefully viewers would be treated to a Vern Troyer like episode like on the Surreal Life. What? Surreal Life is cool. Brian McGratton: Hopefully Bonvie would be so pissed about McGratton breaking his single season penalty record; he’d try to fight him every day. So there it is. The cast of Tough Guys. Help me out with this one fight fans…let’s see some lists.
I get it. So Lyndon would be like the “Ruthie” of the show. Brilliant.
Oh heck yes!