"To act crazy is really not crazy."
Crazy people don’t think they are crazy. That honor is still reserved for Bettman on both counts.
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You so crazy!
After launching our series of sites in February, we have already climbed to the 16,000 most viewed website in the world regardless of its topic…in a mere 8 months! We also host Internet radio broadcasts for baseball, football and hockey and we have just recently premiered our first publication http://www.fantasyfootball.com THE MAGAZINE which is currently on sale at nationwide book distributors (we have also just received the go-ahead for a baseball magazine that will hit the newsstands in FEB 2006, and we hope to debut out hockey magazine next year as well).
Here is what we are currently looking for:
1- We are looking to have a writer to cover every team. All that this would entail is a single monthly review of the team based on a template that we are currently setting up. 2- 3 pages in length, dealing with quick hitting analysis of: goalies, forwards, defense, special teams, Who’s Hot and Who’s not. (Maybe one or two paragraphs per section, in a form that will be sent to the writers). Ideally we would then be able to run a team story every day in addition to our other analysis. This is the easiest way to become involved and will take the least amount of time. 2000 word max. The teams that are currently available include: DALLAS, LA, ANAHEIM, TAMPBA BAY
2- We are looking for two featured writers. One will be an Injury Report that will be our lead story every Sunday. This will obviously detail the weeks injury happenings for our readers. The second featured writer we are looking for is an Atlantic Division reporter to review, every other week, all the teams in the Atlantic. This story will also be around 2000 words.
3- There is always a need for freelance writers who can contribute every once in a while with something that the fantasy community will find of value.
I will be forthright with you and let you know that at present we are not able to compensate our writers financially. However, we anticipate this situation changing in the future, and we most assuredly will not forget those who helps us to reach the heights we intend to reach. As compensation we would be able to offer you full access to the Fantasy Planet series of websites as well as allowing you to reach a whole new group of prospective readers (we have over 67,000 active members as last count). There will also be multiple chances to be involved with many aspects of covering hockey from writing, to possible radio spots, to possible inclusion next year in our fantasy hockey guide if that goes through.
As you can see we at http://www.fantasyhockey.com are very excited about the prospects of future growth for our endeavor. I hope you will take us up on this offer to be part of our family.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any an all questions you might have.
Ray Flowers
Managing Editor, Hockey, for Fantasy Planet L.P.
SIHR member since 2004
Not a big fan of comment spam, but I guess we’re sorta flattered.