Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year. I myself, drank too much at the Patriots game New Year’s Day, and then drank waaaaaaaaay to much at the Bruins game the next day. In my defense, drinking was the only entertainment, as the B’s lost 1-0 in what could only be described as the anti barn burner of the year. I have watched grass grow that was more entertaining. In the spirit of the New Year, I have a couple of Resolutions.
1. I resolve to write more. I have been slacking, and I have no excuse.
2. I resolve to go deeper. I have noticed more fights in the last couple of weeks. I want to know why. I will share my theories, and not just have re-caps.
3. I resolve to keep it interesting. Again, I don’t want this to be a fight re-cap site. I want this to be as much about entertainment, as fights.
4. I resolve to keep evolving. Dave and I have a shit load of ideas. We need to apply them.
That’s just a few. There are more, but I don’t want to turn this into a Dr. Phil episode. Trust me. The less we get into my psyche, the better! Happy New Year!
As the ref, I’m giving you 2 minutes for going a week already without writing. Hammer gets a 5 minute major.
I deserve the 2. I shall now get out of the box, get 2, 5, and 10 and the gate. I’M BACK!!
I still hear crickets.
These scummy fucks with the spam need to be shot.
Hell, we can save the bullet we were going to use on Hal Gill (why do it when we have Joe to take care of business) and use it on these assholes.
Agreed Edju!
Well, we can add Debt Consolidation Loans and Payday Loan to the list of places I will NEVER do business with, the scumbags.
I really enjoy reading your articles. Keep up the great work.
Thanks Tom.
I’ve been nuking the spam almost instantaneously and they seem to have gotten the message.
Fucking douchebag scumwhore spamming cocks.
Perfect work!
Great site. Keep doing.
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