No, I didn’t go out in the storm last week to start my car, but yes, it is settling down into my kidneys. I did not injure my knee in the Peterborough game. I have a cold. A bad one. I was sick before. I went to the greatest Bruins game ever two weeks ago when I was very ill. More on that at another time. I can’t explain how good it was just now. So, I was sick. I went to the B’s and got loaded. I was hungover the next day, but I wasn’t sick for 36 hours. Whatever was in me, came out I guess. Then, MOL came home from the Germ Factory, i.e. the hospital she works at, and I think I have the fucking bird flu. I’m not kidding you. I have been nearly dead for over a week and a half. Currently I am into the Jameson trying to kill any germs left behind. Some may take Alka Seltzer, some Nyquil, me? I take Whiskey. As such, I was home on the couch ALL WEEKEND. I saw the fight highlights in the basketball game, and it made me even sicker.
Let me get this straight. You get a hard foul, and you start a brawl? Listen I am all for stick up for your mates, but if you are going to do it, don’t be a pussy about it. Carmelo Anthony should have been fined a million dollars, and suspended until he learned how to fight. He got 15 games for SLAPPING someone, and running away like a little girl. Could you imagine Colton Orr coming over the top to slap someone in a pile like that? Could he show his face in a dressing room anywhere after that? Nope!
Saturday night’s fight was exactly why fighting still has a place in hockey. Had that been a hockey game? Put it this way. It would have been like the Rangers being up 6 or 7 on the Avalanche and someone boarding someone else. Maybe there might have been a line brawl right there, maybe not. If not, the coaches would have looked at each other and tapped their tough guys on the back. They would have squared off and had a go. End of story. No fighting leads to that fiasco in the Garden, and I found it disgusting.
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