The nervous energy I have is comparable to getting the call from the Big Club finally telling you to pack your bags and leave the AHL for good as I have been called upon to join the ranks of the GoonSquad. Who am I? Why am I here? No, I’m not that donkey (James Bond Stockdale) Ross Perot asked to be his VP back in the 1992 Presidential race. I’ve been a fan of hockey for over 30 years. Played with and against guys who have been in the show, are in the show (not many of them left these days) and plenty that would give their left nut just for one shift. I still chase the dream every Monday night and you know what? I fuckin love this game even if Gary Bettman has ruined it with his piss poor leadership and decision making abilities. I’ll save that rant for another day.more about me.
I am married with 2 boys; we’ll call them my Million Dollar babies. The oldest already has a pretty mean slapshot. I need to make friends with the local glass company as I see many a broken window in my future. I wonder when my Million Dollar babies grow up if they will get more ink in the sports pages or the police blotters. MBH thinks we are going for # 3 but little does she know I have an appointment with Dr. Snip Snip and this kids days of slipping one by the goalie are over, unless Hannu Top Shelf Toivonen is the goalie because we all know anybody can score on him.
I’m not loaded like Chris and can’t afford the NHL Package so my exposure to the game is via B’s telecasts or the occasional national tilt on come on say it with meVERSUS. Who the fuck was the jackass who came up with that name? Can you imagine the suits sitting around a table looking each other in the eyes and saying yeah that name works, I really like it, let’s go with it. I miss the days of ESPN covering the league but I guess beggars can’t be choosers since post lock-out the ratings have been brutal.
Enough about me.Let’s hope the second half of the season has a few more throw downs we can talk about.
Dr. Snip Snip. Hilarious. Welcome Killer. Great first post.
Just thinking to myself…..How is it that the words “Chris” and “Loaded” appear in the same sentence so often ?? Welcome Killer, lookin’ forward to more of your thoughts on the game.
My sentiments exactly, Tweener. Although I’m not one to talk. I suppose now MOL and MBH will combine with MIG (My Imaginary Girlfriend).
Boys, get yourselves to Lowell Saturday. Rullier just dealt to Portland, and Gillies in the house. Janssen should be busy.
My imaginary girlfriend is Salma Hayek !! Maybe Trevor will kick the shit out of Rullier in the room…just to welcome him to town.
Welcome to the club Killer. BTW enjoy the 15-20 times you get to jerk off to clean your pipes after you see dr. snip snip, it will be the only time you arent looking over you shoulder or saying “Doesn’t anybody knock anymore”
Wow. That was a bit of an over share Hammer.
I have never been know not to speak my mind (and no I have not gone through the snip snip YET)