A little over a year ago I wrote this little piece. For those of you not inclined to re read it, I will re hash. Last season Keith Aucoin almost started a brawl, and got his fucking head kicked in for being a smart mouth. I don’t like Aucoin, never have. He is mouthy and can’t back it up. I have never liked players like that. Well today, I got this comment from new reader AJ.
WAHHHHHH!!!!! Are u pissed that Aucoin is a better hockey player than you.Talk about Sour grapes.Pansy
While I appreciate the comments from any one, I gotta call AJ out on this one. First off, I don’t think I am crying here. I call them as I see them AJ. I was psyched to see the violence, and was hoping a brawl started. I don’t care who started it. I was simply making a point. Ask anyone who has seen Aucoin play, and they will tell you the same thing. He is mouthy.
Secondly. I am not pissed Aucoin is a better hockey player than me. I think he is outstanding as a player. He has a great scoring touch and a knack for scoring big goals. Tom Rowe definitely loves the guy as he has had him on his roster a couple of times. I also have a lot bigger things to worry about than if Keith Aucoin is a better hockey player than me. He sure fucking is. Know what? A lot of people are. I think I am over it. I sell IT equipment. I don’t play pro hockey. I am cool with it. As far as the sour grapes and me being a pansy? I don’t see it. I love the rough stuff, obviously as this blog isn’t called PrettyGoalblog. It’s fucking Goonblog. So AJ thanks for stopping by. Feel free to read all the posts, and as always, comments are welcome. Even if they are way off base.
I think Happy gilmore might be a better hockey player than you, the guy can take a hit too.
I totally agree.
Find me one sports writer who doesn’t wish he played the sport instead of writing about it, every single one does, and I’m sure you’re no exception to the rule Chris… What AJ hasn’t realized is that the difference between him and you, is that you got over it and are expressing your opinions with words, not being a whiny little bitch, that’s what exactly how he’s acting.
I agree with you assesment of Aucoin, He’s a pretty damn good Hockey Player but he’s definately got too much mouth. I would’nt have a problem with it if we got to see him drop the mitts and back it up but that never happened. As far as Ass Jockey goes maybe he’s a relative or something.
Happy Gilmore has a better shot than Chris too
Taz, I was thinking the same thing, and for the better shot comment, I’ll straighten you out you little prick.
I already fight you in Jrs but we’ll go again
This guy is a complete twat.
Apparently he’s a Commie cocksucker who doesn’t believe in freedom of speech.
Hey, I know I’m actually going to go back on topic here, sorry about that. I also know that this argument seems to have had it’s heyday about 2 months ago, but I’ll throw my two cents in. I’m a pretty regular follower of the River Rats. A few weeks ago a young girl got smacked upside the head by a puck out of play. She went to the hospital in blood and tears. I know that Aucion personally, of his own accord, found out what hospital she was in, visited her and made her his personal guest for all the remaining games of the season. That, combined with the fact that he’s one point away from breaking the River Rats’ single season points record, makes me a pretty big fan. Sure guys get caught up in the heat of the moment on the ice, but the stuff that they do with a cool head is the true measure of the guy. Just my 2 cents.
Scaz, Thanks for the comment. Classy move by Aucoin. Sounds typical of a hockey player. My point is this: On the ice he is mouthy and I want to see him get his head kicked in.