I’m suspended. I am also 21, 22, big afro. Today was our annual sports day at the office. Usually on Opening Day you can wear your favorite sports team gear, and since the only thing I have is an Oglethorpe jersey I got as a Halloween costume a few years ago, it’s what I go with every year. Only a few people get it, but hey, that’s kind of the norm for hockey fans anyway eh? No one gets the game we love. Oh my god, Lou just fired me. Speaking of being a hockey fan, this weekend was a super fan weekend.
Friday was spent in Lowell watching the Devils lose to the Portland Pirates. I was quite focused on Mr. Gillies for a couple of reasons.
1. This is called Goonblog. We like Goons.
2. I kind of was all over the boy for his performance the last time he was in the building.
As I watched him I noticed two things.
1. I think he’s out of Coach Dineen’s dog house. Trevor got a regular shift, and didn’t hurt the team.
2. He wasn’t acting like a spastic Pee Wee on the bench this time around. Hard to explain how weird it was to watch him do what he was doing on the bench last time without having actually seen him do it. Bizarre.
Obviously there were no fights. Duh. It’s Lowell. The game itself was pretty crappy, but Bekah and I got a brew after and talked about how Mr. Kitty is doing so it was cool.
Saturday found me on the couch watching the Bruins blow another one. This game featured two fights, and they were even pretty good scraps. I especially enjoyed the Hoggan tilt. I’d like to see more of him next season. I learned two things watching this tilt.
1. Gord Kluzak is a pussy.
2. Rob Simpson may be a dork, but he is obviously a big fight fan, and as such, I will now lay off him.
Saturday evening found me back in Lowell. I can’t say exactly why I missed the entire game, but I did. They won. I don’t think there were any fights.
Sunday was a real good day for me. I went down to Providence and Kinger and I went to the Bruins tilt. I got to his place around 2:30ish and naturally we headed right to the bar for some brew and snacks. After a couple of beers and a banging chicken sangy, oh, and an attempted mugging (don’t ask) we headed off for the game. We were standing in line, when some dude cam up and handed us two free tickets. Nice! The only thing better than a hockey game, is a free hockey game. We settled into our seats at the old folk’s home (I swear to god, the Dunk smells just like the nursing home my grandfather was in) and watched the Devils lose to the Bruins. It was a pretty entertaining tilt that featured a fight between Aaron Downey and the mouth, Lowell Devil forward David Clarkson. At first blush it looked like Clarkie got killed, but watching the replay, none of what Downey threw really landed. In fact, I think Clarkson landed the only punch of the fight on his first hard right hand. Pre Replay, I call it a big win for Downey, post, it’s a draw.
Since I was with Kinger in Providence, we obviously went to the Ballet after. Our place of choice was Desires. Not a bad joint. When we went in the place, the B and C teams were taking their cuts, but as we left some of the ringers had come aboard. All in all it was an outstanding weekend. This is a great time of the year for hockey, and it’s good to get in as many games as possible before all we have is stupid baseball. Now, who is going to buy me a soda after the game?
It wasn’t nessarily Lowel. I’m A Mainah and it seems every time I go to A Pirates game it’s some sort of family night where noone can even size eachother up, let alone square off. The hockey scene in Maine is definitely not what it was in the 70’s. I’m thinking maybe I should take the occasional field trip down to Mass. for some ol’fashioned ass-stomping action.
It’s hockey in general these days. Regardless of where.
Did you call Gord Kluzack a pussy? He might be a pussy behind the mic but on the ice (when he wasn’t hurt) oh wait he is a fuckin pussy
Taz has a fight tape where Kluzak either turtles, or flat out backs down from several people.