Sorry to distract you guys from Emma, but we need to talk some hockey here or my mother will be very upset. Well, first, let’s talk holidays, then hockey. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Mine was lovely. A little stressful as mother was cagey with her broken ankle, and MOL, and SIL (Sister in Law) had to run the show. Mother is a lovely woman, but has problems saying exactly what she wants. Oh, she’ll dance around it, and hint at what she wants, and when you guess wrong, she will let you know. All in all, MOL, and SIL did a fantastic job saving Christmas. They make a great team, and I couldn’t ask for a better SIL, or OL. As an aside, while the ladies were busy saving Christmas, my brother and I were busy drinking. It was great to see everyone, and enjoy my niece and nephew.
Onto hockey. Did anyone see the hit Colton Orr laid on Matt Cullen last night? Holy shit. That is the way you get someone with their head down. He hit him so hard he thought it was last Boxing Day. Kudos to Goonblog favorite Mike Commodore for coming to Cullen’s defense. Orrsie is much more a fighter than Commodore is, but he took him on anyway in defense of a mate. He was honoring the code, and I have no issue with the hit, or Commodore coming to Cullen’s defense. The rest of the league take note: you can still hit someone hard, and do it cleanly. Well done Colton.
Looked clean to me… As Tree said in Mystery Alaska, “Head was down”
We went to A Lewiston Mainiacs game the other night against the Moncton Wildcats. Lewy lost but that wasn’t the shitty. Not A single fight, again. There was almost one, but the ref damn near tackled the player from Lewy, Then through him out of the game, W.T.F.
A few years back they spent an outragous amount of money on the Androscoggin Colisee (flashy name for A sixty year old rockpile) to try and bring hockey back to this drug infested shit town. One thing they spared expenses on was refurbishing the boards and latches. Yes, one play in the corner A Wildcat busted through the door and landed face first on the concrete. Needless to say, that’s why I’m going to say it, He didn’t get up right away. Can you spell lawsuit?
Ubove all, it was A good game, both goaltenders were right on their shit. Next time I get the urge, I’m gonna stick to the Portland Pirates.
I have never made it up that far for a game. The 4 C’s is my limit. That is a dark old barn too.