Did my use of the word love throw you guys off? I got one reply to my question. Thanks Ref, I LOVE your answer. Now, I will reveal why I asked. I LOVE to do stuff like this for you guys. Assholes. What? Sorry. Turrets.
I’m sure you guys have heard that the Patriots were in the Super Bowl a couple of weeks ago. No, really, it was in all the papers. So, the beloved Patriots are trying to win a big game to go a perfect 19-0 on the year. No one gives their opponent a chance to win the game at all, but low and behold, they do. Bottom line is this. The Giants played superb defense, New England never adjusted to Matt Light getting run over, and any doubt that the Giants were a team of destiny was erased when Eli was being tackled by the entire defensive line, throws up a jump ball that is caught in a manner so improbable if it were Madden and you were playing as the Patriots, you would have hit reset right then and there.
This is not about me venting and being bitter. I was crushed for a day like most of New England, but in the end, life goes on. Congratulations to the World Champion New York Giants. If anything good comes out of this, my brother’s father in law and one of the genuinely nicest guys I have ever met is a huge Giants fan. I am happy for him.
Realizing it may seem as if I am way off base here, I’ll get to the point. Fast forward to whatever day the Giants had their parade to celebrate their biggest win evah. Tuesday maybe? Totally doesn’t matter. I am in the gym with Davo when NECN shows highlights of the parade. The first clip they showed was of Michael Strahan at the podium. I thought, oh this will be nice; he seems like a nice young man. He gets up there and starts talking. He says to all those opponents through the season, and in particular our last opponent, we just want to say, we (and then the whole team jumps up in the air) stomped you out! Get it? Enraged? If you are a New England fan, most assuredly yes.
I saw him do this and all I could think of as he was landing (other than, I Hope the whole fucking stage collapses) was, this is why I love hockey. This is why I love enforcers. Could you imagine a Stanley Cup parade that ended like that? Could you see Chris Pronger jumping in the air saying, We stomped you out? No, me neither. Enforcers go out and do a job that not many people can fathom. They willingly get punched in the face by other men to stand up for a cause, or a teammate. Sure they may throw up their hands in celebration after a big win in a fight, but just as often, they can be seen thanking the other guy for a good go. The men that do this job must be allowed to live on. It is up to fans of the fight like us to talk about them, and celebrate them and fighting in hockey whenever we can. They are a rare and dying breed, and must not be stomped out. So, that’s that. The main reason I love enforcers, is the same reason Demi Moore loves the accused Marines in A Few Good Men. Because they stand on a wall.
Indeed I wish that stage had fallen down under the weight of that gap tooth asshole. If he were in the NHL damn right the next game he would get his head handed to him, but our lovey dovey football leaque stinks. When was the last time you saw a guy like Seymour just smirk off the bigest lose of the year like “oh well there always next year”, would never happen in hockey. Invest 18 fuckin games just to have the Pats puke on the field and forget that they had a game to play.
Bring on petro racing