September 28th, 2008 found the GoonSquad breathing heavily into a microphone in the thriving metropolis of West Acton Massachusetts. Frequent site contributor Killer joins the podcast for the first time and other highlights include train whistle sound effects, Zamboni music, Bruins-related bantering and Chinese arithmetic. Brace yourselves.
It’s been a long time, but we’re definitely back. For what that’s worth. We have one more podcast in the can that will be released next week and then more in the pipeline that we’ll be recording between Ottawa and Boston via Skype. Stay tuned, and use this handy player to check out any of the previous 4 GoonBlog: The Podcasts that you may have missed.
glad to hear your podcast again ! great stuff!
Had to throw the old goonblog t-shirt on for this one!
Thanks Todd. Glad you liked it. Look for the other next week.
Glad to hear podcast. Sound in the all new HG is great. Need to hear NU talk. Keep up the good work. Beers!
Thanks for the invite douches, next time you come down from the mother land you best invite The Hammer to your little pod cast party.
Besides that I love the podcast
My bad Hammer.