MOL and I would like to welcome the newest Goon to the Goonblog family, the wee Milan Lucic! A little background here. To say I am not a dog person is a gross understatement. I have never had a dog, nor have I wanted one. In fact, it is only after nearly two years of MOL begging and pleading that we finally would up with the little lady. I tried to take a hard line on this, but to MOL’s credit she never gave up. Imagine the most tenacious forechecker ever, and that’s MOL about this dog. I was 100% against us getting an animal, and was totally prepared to hate every second of it.
“You ate an entire wheel of cheese and then pooped in the refrigerator? No, I’m not even mad. That is amazing.”
That lasted about 42 seconds. As soon as I saw this little bundle of joy, I was hooked. She is my schmoopie loopy cute face, and I don’t care who knows it! I tried to be all tough when we met her, but she looked right at me and licked me (no peanut butter) and I melted. I have been making fun of Dave ever since he got his dogs, and how he’s always singing to them, and telling them silly stories about how they are the greatest puppies everwell, that’s me now. I am not unlike Ron Burgundy singing to Baxter. Guys, I tell you, I am a strange man. I think you all know this, but the way I act around this animal is weird. Even MOL has had to rein me in. Last night I was singing a song to her after her namesake scored in the Bruins game and I looked over at MOL to see her feverishly seeking phone numbers to places where I might be able to get a little rest if you know what I mean. Anyway, here she is in all her glory! Milan Lucic the dog!
Are you going to get a nice #17 sweater for the little doggie
Are you giving little LuLu chew toys named Komisarek and Van Ryn?
I sure am Hammer!
LOL. Good one TKO.
Cute dog… how many batteries does it take?
LOL. None. She’s real. LOVES hockey. Watched two games with me last night, we caught Youngblood on TV this morning, and is sitting on my lap as I type this while watching the Pens and Flyers.
Looks more like a cat in a dog suit !! Hope that you like dog fur all over the place and the odor of dog farts !
By the way….didn’t you give me shit for getting my son a dog a year ago? Either way,I’m proud of YOL for talking you into a dog, and even more proud of you for buying into it.
The song in question these days is “Who’s the Best Puppy?”. Sung to the tune of “I’m a Girl Watcher”.
Tweeenr, it’s not wise to call out Milan Lucic the dog. She’s got a wicked right that you don’t even see coming. We’ve had a couple of tilts in the kitchen. So far, she’s won em all! Yes I did give you shit. I was so against this animal, I can’t explain it properly. I’m glad MOL talked me into it too.
Ref, I like it. As of late it’s been:
Milan has them apple bottom jeans
Paws with the fur
Mommy and daddy are loking at her
Next thing you know
Milan hit the floor
Milan got low low low low low low low low
I am not sure how to respond to comment 10, where did Chris go??????
I am a very sick man.