Mighty Matt Carkner was signed to a 2-yr deal by the Ottawa Senators this week, just a few short days after his first-ever NHL goal. He also soundly beat the snot out of Steve Downie on the 15th. To say it’s been an incredible month for the man would be an obvious understatement. I have gotten to know Matt a little – as we’re both residents of Westport, Ontario – and it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
The Cove, a classy Westport Hotel has organized the CarkBus for all of us proud residents this evening, and I have to wrap this up if I’m going to make it down there in time for a few Molsons prior to departure. We’re getting into the player’s area after the game and the excitement coursing through my veins is ridiculous.
Obviously I’ll be taking photos and videos to share with you on the blog tomorrow – and you can keep up with us in real-time by following us on the all new Goonblog Twitter account which will be officially announced over the weekend. The Ref is out!
Nice work Ref! Have fun tonight.
I am a Tweeting fool!