You guys all know Dave is the staff technical expert (NERD!) on staff here at Goonblog. He is a whiz at having his finger on the pulse of social networking, as well as how to implement said social networking sites to maximize the nerdery from each site. So, GoonBlog is on Twitter now. I thought it was all status updates, and frankly, I get enough of the I have the best friends ever, or so grateful for what I have updates on Facebook I want to puke like that blah! Well, once again, I was wrong.
Twitter is cool because you can follow different people, and get all the news you need in one spot. I used to have to go to a million websites a day to find all my hockey updates, now, I log on to Twitter, and it’s all right there. Now, it’s so easy to find out what Ashton is up to, I can discontinue my subscription to Tiger Beat. Not that I would, I mean who does that?
The point, and yes there is one, is that our good friends at have been Tweeting fights every day, and I love it. First off, if you are looking for the nuts and bolts of hockey fights, one need to go no further than They are very serious about the business of enforcing, and enforcers. The knowledge base they have assembled over there is truly staggering. Like I have said before, you want straight up fights? Go there. You want to get your fight news with a side of self depreciating humor, and the occasional dick and fart joke, then come on in. The water’s fine.
Do yourself a favor and sign up for Twitter (if you haven’t already) and follow these guys immediately. I dig sipping on my morning coffee going through the posted videos from the previous evening action, and I am sure you will too. Keep up the good work boys!
I was wondering what Louis Skolnik did after graduation. Smart feller.