The season is almost here boys. I have been putting on the foil, and I am ready to go. The Ref and I got pints last night, and came up with some beauty ideas for the site eh?
We are adding a countdown to opening night if we can figure out how the hell to add it.
We talked about doing a Podcast a month. The Ref comes from a nerdery so he got a little nerdy when explaining the popularity of podcasts, but it sounded like a cool idea.
We’d like to do some tough guy interviews. Here’s the tricky part. I have the ability to get close to some tough guys that I think would be willing to sit down with us and talk. Having said that, there are some guys I’d love to talk with that I have no idea how to contact. Anyone that could help steer us in the right direction, that would be cool for us and the site.
Finally. The T shirt update. These are coming. The Ref promised me last night they’d be ready for opening night. When we get them going, we’ll let you know. Hope everyone is having a great summer so far. Luckily, winter is just around the corner!
First stop would be just to email and ask for the contact information for the agent of the player you want to contact.
Then send a short and sweet email to the agent for an interview request. Good luck.
Thanks PJ! I never would have thought of that.
If you would like to contact any NHL player there e-mail address is the first initial followed by there last name for example
Thanks Killer. By the way, how’s it goin eh?
It’s goin good eh. Got a 7:30 tilt tonight @ Nashoba Valley Olympia on RT. 111. 4 games left in the summer league and then a few weeks off before the fall / winter league starts up. I’ll take a few slappah’s at the tenders head 2night and wake em up a bit. Then of course after the game i’ll polish off a few Molson’s eh!
Where you headed for Molson’s? Call me. I could be up for a couple.