I am probably going to get sued by the Estate of Jim Morrison, but really, it’s the only way to describe how I feel after last week. More Whiskey, Chris? Why, Yes! Let me just tell you this. To the group I hang out with, Thanksgiving is Christmas, New Year’s, St. Patrick’s Day, Chinese New Year, and the Super Bowl all rolled into one. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving is circled on everyone’s calendar way in advance, and this year was no exception.
It started Wednesday. I went to the liquor store and grabbed a couple 30’s for Thursday night. That is the tradition. I always buy the beer for Thursday on Wednesday and hide it so we don’t drink it when the keg runs dry. It helps that every year I get plowed, and forget where I hid it. Luckily, I usually hide it on the porch at my mother’s house, or somewhere really clever. Like my trunk. What can I say, I am not bright. At any rate, Kinger came and got me after some coaxing. Apparently he was going to have dinner. Pussy. I was especially glad to see Kinger as he had the first delivery of Goonblog shirts. I may be biased, but these things are bad ass. You will want one or twelve for yourself when they become available.
Once Kinger arrived, it was off to Jim’s house for the bender. After some trouble with the first two taps, the third held strong and the brew was flowing. Susan from the Vineyard came, and it was awesome to see her. I swear to God, Finley started the game against Pittsburgh, but couldn’t figure out what happened, and why Thomas was playing. I’m not on dope right? Finley did start? Truthfully the party started slow, but by the end of the shootout, which I think the B’s won? It had picked up a bit.
That, my friends, is where it gets hazy. I told Kinger he was to take me home when he was leaving, no questions asked. Well, apparently Kinger needed to stay until 3 AM. I remember selling a couple of shirts. I think I got all the money owed me. Not sure. I know I challenged some stranger to a fight because he wouldn’t buy one. He turned me down. Good thing too, I guess he was way bigger than me. So Wednesday ended very late.
Thursday started very early. I was fine for about 30 minutes. I got a coffee in the hopes it would help. It did not. The only solution was an eye opener. I had a Tito’s Screwdriver, and felt marginally better. It was off to mothers for turkey.
At mother’s I downed three beers, and a crap load of turkey. I felt marginally better. After mother’s it was back to my couch for some much needed shut eye. I got a couple winks in, and decided I had better get to Jim’s and drink my beer if I had any hopes of feeling better.
The scene at Jim’s was in a word: Bleak. The crowd was sleepy to say the least! It was cool though. I drank 5 more beers, and gave Elf a second try. I am man enough to admit, I was wrong about that film. It isn’t the funniest movie EVAH like some people claim, but there were a couple laugh out loud moments. I made it through the first 20 minutes of Friday after Next, and it was time to go.
Upon my return home, I got my second wind, so, I drank a few more beers. I am not bright. I should have gone to bed. Did I mention I am not bright? I watched A Prairie Home Companion. I like curvy Lindsay Lohan much better than Heroin Chic Lindsay Lohan. Good thing MOL didn’t watch it with me; she would have hated that film.
Friday found me up at 9 AM to run a couple errands before Kinger got me for the Bruins game. I told Kinger to get me at 9:30, and true to form he was there at 9:20. Nice work on his part. We had both agreed we weren’t going to drink a lot at the game. Yeah. That didn’t happen. We warmed it up at our usual spot, The Sports Grille Boston. Good to see Malf and the gang. Some wings and brew later, we were off to the game.
I am not sure how many people saw the Bruins on Friday. I was kinda bombed, and I noticed one thing. Boston sucked. They were slow, and lazy, and explain to me why there wasn’t a fucking fight in a 5-1 loss that one sided. I know Peter Laviolette has a no fighting policy, but does that stop a Bruin, specifically Big Z from jumping someone? Policy be dammed. That was one of the worst games I have ever been to. On the bright side, I won a SWEET picture of the Hanson Brother’s in a silent auction at the Garden. It is the Hanson’s on the bench on the left, and them playing with their fucking toys on the right. If MOL were here I’d take a picture of it and show everyone. I will do it when she comes back. Serious. It’s sweet.
After the game, Kinger and I went back to Sports Grille for round two. We got burgers; more brew, and then switched to liquor. Our plan was to come home and take it easy. Again, not so much. We headed out to the Razzi and met Susan from the Vineyard. Evidently, I had too much Maker’s Mark, and was told I was done. Bless your heart Razzi bartender. I think I got home at 1. I really don’t even know what’s going on right now.
Saturday found me up at 7:30 AM to make the run to Connecticut for the UConn football game. At this point, I am starting to really feel like shit. I can’t tell if I am getting a cold, or if I am hungover. Turns out a little of both. I hadn’t been to a College football game in forever, and I really enjoyed myself. My brother is an Alumni and a season ticket holder, so they have the Tailgate, and the Game down to a science. I got to hang with my niece and nephew a bit too, which is always cool. I am dying to see them in their little Goonblog shirts!
Saturday night I was spent. I couldn’t do it anymore. After 4 days of heavy boozing, I had to blow off the party Saturday night. I got a pizza, and watched the Bruins kill the Leaf. Good thing too, because that Mara/Tucker fight was a doozy. I love when players stick up for each other like that. Who knew Mara could chuck em?! Awesome fight, awesome game.
Turns out I got a wicked cold. You think the steady diet of brew outside, and no sleep had anything to do with it? Nah, me neither. I apologize for my absence. But today is the first day I am just starting to feel better! I hope everyone had a good holiday. I am drying out until Sunday when Hammer and I take in the Pats. Dave should have T shirt info soon, so stay tuned; you guys are really going to dig them!
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