I am not sure if I mentioned my new PC kicks serious ass. Well if I didn’t, I am telling you now. This thing kicks serious ass. I am watching highlights from last night’s games on the NHL network while typing this. This thing is very cool. Right up until they started showing the highlights of the Bruins game last night. Nice fucking pass Chara. I guess the highlights aren’t really my computer’s fault right? No. Not at all. I also know I liked my Sony at first, but that turned out bad. Ever date, or just bang a really hot girl that was all booked up on crazy but she was hot and looked really good but you still had the whole crazy factor there and it eventually got so bad you had to break up with her before she stole your dog or something? Well, that was my old Sony. Looked great, booked up on crazy. This thing is hot and lets me watch hockey. Not even MOL does that. I hope she doesn’t read this.
Last night featured some real heavyweight tilts in the American Hockey League. Trevor Gillies and Jon Mirasty had a real slugfest in Albany. Lots of punches traded and landed. Trevor got knocked down at the end of the tilt, but it’s hard to say if it was from a Mirasty punch, or if he slipped. I saw win Gillies, but you could make a case for either guy. Great tilt though. I am really bummed out Mirasty never got a shot in Lowell. That would make the fans want to come to one of the prettiest arenas in the whole league, and that’s fucking crazy talk!
Speaking of Lowell, former Lockmonster Kip Brennan, and current Devil Pierre-Luc LeBlond had a dandy as well in Bridgeport. These heavyweights traded lots of rights, and kept going into the late rounds. They were finally separated after trading heavy rights, hanging on, trade a right, hang on; trade a right.they both gave it their all. I call it a draw. Maybe a slight advantage to Kip Brennan. I am headed to Lowell for the Manchester tilt in about an hour. Hopefully Manchester’s Paul Crosty or Kevin Westgarth is feeling frisky.
guys, check out this video 😉
That is some good stuff Stefan. It made my day.
ok, sorry but i have to throw in another video…
That is a good old fashion doneybrooke. OK, are these Bruins for real. I am starting to think I may need to hop back on the band wagon. Killer can you help me out here? Alex Auld looks great, what do they do when Timmy and Manny come back?
Don’t jump back on just yet KSpecial. The Sabres team they beat last night is not the same Sabres team from the past few years. Let’s see them beat a few decent team in the same week and then you can think about jumping back on. Until then, stick to drinking and surfing to watch a better team.
Thanks Killer, I will step back from the ledge now. This team does play pretty tough hockey though. So far you have to give Jullien high marks.
Great article about Smarty Pants:
This kid has no chance of success in this town!
All good questions Chris. I keep waiting for this team to lose like 7 straight but they continue to battle. I agree with Killer, that we need to give it a bit more time but Jullien has some good things happening for the Hub of Hockey.
I found this link and couldn’t stop laughin. It took me 30 minutes just to compose myself:
The B’s are ranked 6th in the Power Rankings? Who the Fuck does the rankings as I would like to have a conversation with them. Whatever drugs Chris is on are clearly not as strong as the ones these rankers are on!
The biggest thing Julien has done for the team this year is to make them watchable again. I couldn’t even make it to the second intermission last year because I would be so frustrated. This year, I enjoy watching my hometown team again, Thank you Claude.
And you’re right, they’ll always hover in mediocrity while the Jacobs family owns the team.